His Presence

His Presence

Our Righteous Mind: Cultivating His Presence

Colossians 3:1-17 Point 1 Mind – The way we think directly influences the things we say and do. There’s a war that we’re all engaged in. The battlefield that we’re all fighting for is in our mind. [Luke 6:45] A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart…

Submission: Cultivating His Presence

Point 1Our submission is to be thoughtfully considered. God wants our submission… God commands our submission. But God won’t make us submit. Why won’t we willingly submit?We’re afraid that submission will mean that we lose our identity. Jesus didn’t lose His identity when He submitted to the will of God the Father. We’re afraid that…

What Does Meditation Look Like?

“When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with each other and ourselves.” ~Jack Kornfield~ Opening QuestionWhat does the practice of meditation look like? Psalm 1:1-3Philippians 4:8-9 Point 1Think of the practice of meditation as sanctifying the mind and imagination. For the believer, this is the manifestation of God’s…

Cultivating His Presence

Opening Quote“In contemporary society our Adversary majors in three things: noise, hurry, and crowds. If he can keep us engaged in muchness and manyness, he will rest satisfied.”~Richard Foster~ Opening StatementCultivating the continual presence of God begins with having him inhabit our thoughts. That begins with the discipline of meditation. Psalm…

Lest We Forget: Cultivating His Presence

1 Timothy 4:7-10 Opening StatementThe daily cultivation of the presence of God makes all the difference to us, those around us, and the world we inhabit. One way that we cultivate His presence in our lives through the intentional practice of spiritual disciplines. Exodus 20:1–21 Point 1The continual presence of God makes the difference in our relationship with God.…

His Presence: Cultivating His Presence

4/28/19 Recap His presence brings gladness. His presence removes doubt and fear. His presence affirms our assignment. Opening Statement If the presence of God is the difference maker, how do we cultivate His presence? Exodus 29:45–46 Point 1Converse with Him Exodus 33:11Exodus 29:45–46 Point 2Think of Him Philippians 4:8–9 Point 3Surrender to Him Psalm 46:10Luke 10:38–42

His Presence: He’s Still Risen

04/21/19 Recap What does the resurrection of Jesus Christ mean for us? We have the help we need because Jesus is still here. We can stand on Christ’s every promise because he kept on of the biggest ones first. We can live boldly because Jesus defeated our most feared enemy. Questions to contemplate last week: Do I really believe that Jesus is with me today? Am I…