Sermons on Vision

Sermons on Vision

Imagine pt. 2

Vision recap: Vision is a clear, challenging picture of the future as it can and must be. Imagine part 2 Read Matthew 9:35-38 Pray earnestly Jesus was fully human and fully divine. He is preaching, teaching, healing and sees all that need and says that there is a need for help. The harvest is plenty but the laborers are few so take seriously the ministry of prayer. God…

Imagine pt. 1

Imagine: Harvest Christian Fellowship as a Local Church Read Matthew 9:35-38 Christ invites us to know him personally and intimately. Imagine a church that incarnates the life of Jesus Christ in ways that are relevant to their culture … Imagine a congregation that does not speak of GOING to church, but striving TO BE the church to each other, and their world as they…

Mind the Middle

Vision: Mind the Middle How do we mind the middle? The middle between when the vision is cast and when it is fulfilled. It is in this period that our fortitude is really challenged. Read Numbers 13 and 14 Have you ever seen something in your mind that makes you question negative “what ifs?” What if you can’t… How to mind the middle: Mind the what…


How can I change the world from my little corner of it? Nehemiah 1:1-4 Find out what makes your heart burn? Whenever you think about this thing, you find yourself saying something has to be done about that. Holy discontent. It may come from what you see. It may come from what you hear.…

The Power of Vision

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no prophetic vision, the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law. Habakkuk 2:2-3 Write the vision and make it plain on a tablet… What a Vision is Not A dream. A vision, often begins with a dream. Goals and objectives. Goals and objectives are part of the plan to make the vision a reality. A mission. A vision is a…