Sermon Archive (Page 5)

Sermon Archive (Page 5)

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Each week we gather together as a community of believers and worship God through singing prayer, giving, and the preaching of God’s word. We hope you’ll join us in-person one day, but for now, you can watch here on Sundays at 10:30 AM.

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Lest We Forget: Cultivating His Presence

1 Timothy 4:7-10 Opening StatementThe daily cultivation of the presence of God makes all the difference to us, those around us, and the world we inhabit. One way that we cultivate His presence in our lives through the intentional practice of spiritual disciplines. Exodus 20:1–21 Point 1The continual presence of God makes the difference in our relationship with God.…

Why We Will Always Love Momma: Mother’s Day

Opening StatementThere are myriad reasons to celebrate mothers everyday. Point 1Nothing compares to a mother’s prayers. 1 Samuel 1:9-20 Point 2Mothers are children’s biggest cheerleaders. Matthew 20:20-23 Point 3Mothers are our first teachers and models in the faith and life. 2 Timothy…

His Presence: Cultivating His Presence

4/28/19 Recap His presence brings gladness. His presence removes doubt and fear. His presence affirms our assignment. Opening Statement If the presence of God is the difference maker, how do we cultivate His presence? Exodus 29:45–46 Point 1Converse with Him Exodus 33:11Exodus 29:45–46 Point 2Think of Him Philippians 4:8–9 Point 3Surrender to Him Psalm 46:10Luke 10:38–42

His Presence: He’s Still Risen

04/21/19 Recap What does the resurrection of Jesus Christ mean for us? We have the help we need because Jesus is still here. We can stand on Christ’s every promise because he kept on of the biggest ones first. We can live boldly because Jesus defeated our most feared enemy. Questions to contemplate last week: Do I really believe that Jesus is with me today? Am I…

The Aftermath: Because of This Day

Matthew 28:1-10 What is the result of Christ’s resurrection?What does the resurrection of Jesus Christ mean for us? He Lives~ Alfred H. Ackley Verse 1I serve a risen Savior, He’s in the world todayI know that He is living, whatever men may sayI see His hand of mercey, I hear His voice of cheerAnd just the time I need Him He’s always near ChorusHe lives,…

On the Cusp of a New Thing

Matthew 21:1–11 We should embrace the excitement that comes with the promise of something new while not losing sight of the path ahead. Cusp – POINT, APEX: such as : a point of transition from one historical period : TURNING POINT; also : EDGE, VERGE Point 1 The cusp of a new thing is an exciting time. Promises are fulfilled Potential realized Ruts ended Goals…

Find Your Way

Ephesians 2:10 Last Week Review God has a destiny for each of us. A plan perfectly fit for us as His masterpieces. The sweet spot is the alignment of our unique design (Be), purpose (Do), and position (Go).  There is joy and harmony in the sweet spot, because all parts are aligned. By multiplying input the sweet spot produces greater output, resulting in…

Finding the Sweet Spot

Last Week Recap To discover our personal calling, we need the Spirit of God to lead us. We receive clarity on our calling from the Holy Spirit. We need to watch and listen to the Holy Spirit. Obedience to His prompting is our only responsibility. Last Week’s Call to Action Commit to wait patiently before leaping into action. Opening Statement God has a destiny for…

Wait Patiently on the Holy Spirit

To discover our personal calling, we need the Spirit of God to lead us. This isn’t just about assessing, committing, and organizing; it’s about listening and learning.  John 14:16-17 Acts 1:1-8 Through the Holy Spirit, we receive clarity on our calling. Why? Because He knows us intimately. We need to watch and listen to the Holy Spirit. Obedience to His…