Lose Control

Lose Control

Made for More Sermon Series

2 Timothy 1:9

It is important for you to discern and live your God-given identity, purpose, and position because someone somewhere is waiting on you.

  1. There is a reason for our existence.
  2. It will require more.
  3. It will require obedience.

God’s alls us to surrender control and walk into a new life.

Calling is discovered when we make Christ as Lord central to our lives.

“A calling, though we glamorize it, is not glamourous. It is a response to a summons. It is a kind of surrender. It is a willingness to die to the past and move to the future”. John Ortberg

“The more quickly we embrace the truth that God cares more about our blind steps of faith and surrender than he does about our clarity and comfort, the sooner we will be positioned to more fully understand the story God has written in our lives.” Todd Wilson

Ephesians 2:10

A calling is not a best for personal fulfillment.

Calling is not about why you want to become.

Calling is about what God made you to become.

A calling is not glamourous.


Because surrender isn’t glamorous.

Because humility isn’t glamorous.

Calling supplants me as sovereign king in my life and recognizes Christ as Lord.

2 Timothy 1:9

Re-frame your understanding of calling.

We are called to, not away from.

Rather than thinking of being called away from life as we know it currently…

we should understand that we’re being called to the life prepared for us eternally.


Calling is discovered when we make Christ as Lord central to our lives.

  1. Calling is not about what we want to become, but what you were created to become.
  2. Calling supplants me as sovereign king and recognizes Christ as Lord.
  3. We are called to the life God always intended for us to live.

Prayer: God, help me relinquish my desire to control my life; instead allowing you to reign as Lord.