Things Remembered

Things Remembered

1 Thessalonians 1:2-10

The importance of how we live our lives in front of others cannot be stressed enough.

Sometimes, we take the wrong road to get folks to God.

It’s not if I can just get the person to church. It’s more than that.

The way we live in front of people is what they remember about us.

It impacts how they see us.

It can also impact how they live without us.

Faithful works. Loving deeds. Enduring hope

Our words won’t be the most remembered things about us. Our actions are most powerful.

Our actions are the living example of God’s power at work in our lives.

I really don’t know about your Jesus about how he can rescue may relationship when I don’t see you living it out in your life

If it changed your life, why don’t i see any changes.

It is easy to speak the word of God. But, the demonstration that the truth that God lives is evident when we LIVE the word of God.

Words aren’t needed, for people are talking about what you are doing.

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