Discipleship Stages

Discipleship Stages

A disciple is one who follows Jesus, is being changed by Jesus, and is committed to being on a mission for Jesus. As a result a disciple is someone who loves God, loves others and serves the world.

Spiritually dead
Spiritual infant
Spiritual child
Spiritual young adult
Spiritual parent

With God
With the church
Within the home
With the world

If we are going to grow:
Relational environments
Reproducible process


With the spiritually dead, it is important that we share the gospel.

to God
to small groups
to purpose

Acts 2:42

It is important to note that we are still sharing, and the spiritual young adult is still connected.

Equipped for ministry.
Proceed ministry opportunities
Released to do ministry

Acts 6:1-7

Disciple Maker or Deploy
The final stage of the process we are releasing spiritual parents to explain he discipleship process. Release then go disciple another person with him. Release them to disciple by themselves.

Acts 8:4-8

We are charged to be intentional about growing people into reproducing disciples by relational environments.