Do Your Part

Do Your Part

Acts 3:1-10

God has an expectation that I would become a disciple first.

And eventually become a spiritual parent and go out and make more disciples.

Disciples of folks in our home or folks we come in contact with.

That means that even when you can’t see it, God is up to something.

God may not have what you want, but He will give you what you need.

God’s Part
By his name (Jesus)

Our Part
Our part begins by knowing and believing that God is doing His part.

So we each have a God given assignment.

Their Part
We can only control our part.

I can’t do God’s part.
I can’t do their part.
I can’t only do my part.
I must do my part.

All i can do is all I can do,
And all I can do is enough.
As long as I do