9/28/14 – Harvest Connections

9/28/14 – Harvest Connections

This week, September 28 through October 4, in Harvest Connections:

| Upcoming Events
| Weekend Recap
| Other News

Activities are held at Harvest Christian Fellowship unless otherwise noted.

September 29 – Victorious Disciples Women’s Small Group
September 30 – Women of Influence Women’s Small Group
October 1 – Bible Study
October 5 – Communion Sunday
October 10 – J Walkers Session (Teen Ministry), Middletown, DE
October 16 – Manhood Restored Men’s Small Group
October 24 – Pastor Griffin Preaching at Temple United Church, Wilmington, DE
October 25 – Men of Honor Monthly Fellowship
October 26 – Bowling Fellowship, AMF Price Lanes, Wilmington, DE

For more information, visit our website.

The Family Matters sermon series began this past Sunday. The first message, How to Raise G-Rated Children in an X-Rated World kicked off the series. The text was Proverbs 22:6. We all know that parenting can be a frightening endeavor, but God is absolutely able and the path before us is clear. We are called to protect and provide for our children. The greatest thing that we provide for them is “an example.” Our children are more apt to emulate what they see us do than to obey what they hear us say for them to do. The path to rearing children begins with becoming the men and women God has called us to be.

If you missed this week’s sermon you can listen on our website.


We were blessed to celebrate the ordinance of baptism, as 7 were baptized! We will celebrate the right hand of fellowship with them all this coming Sunday!

Volunteers Needed

Harvest is growing! We are in need of volunteers in several areas. We need adults who are willing to volunteer in various Sunday morning ministries including, Children’s Church (background check required), parking lot hosts, front door hosts, sanctuary hosts (ushers), and after-service hosts (Welcome Center). We also need people willing to serve during the week by helping print and fold Sunday bulletins, and help follow up with guests. The facilities ministry is in need of volunteers to help with various things around the church, so if you have knowledge and willingness to serve in this area you are definitely needed. Our J Walkers Teen Ministry is rapidly growing as well. In order to keep up with the growth we are in need of more adult volunteers who are willing to help by serving our teens.

Our small group ministry is on the rise, but in order for it to grow we are going to need people willing to lead small groups. The first step to becoming a small group leader is to be a small group participant. We will soon be announcing the start of a group for potential small group leaders. The prerequisite for the group will be having been a participant in a small group.

You can take advantage of any of these volunteer opportunities by logging into Harvest Christian Fellowship on The City and responding to the volunteer needs posts.

Bible Study – 1 Corinthians

Bible Study returned this past week. We are studying the book of 1 Corinthians and invite you to join us. We meet in the Sanctuary every Wednesday evening from 7-8:30pm.

Delaware Goes to College

Thanks to everyone who has signed up to volunteer. There is still room and time to join the effort. Let’s do our part. McKean High School is, along with all the high schools in the State, participating in Delaware Goes to College’s College Application Month. McKean is located right around the corner from our church on McKennan’s Church Road. They are in need of volunteers for their College Application Month events. The events will be held in November, from 10-14. Let’s get involved in education outside our four walls and in the community where we are located. You can find more information about the events and sign up to volunteer online at http://ift.tt/1r1O0xz. Fliers with more information are available at the Welcome Center in the narthex.

from Topics in The Plaza for Harvest Christian Fellowship on The City http://bit.ly/1vtidnN